As the golfing season is upon us with the first round of the Masters on TV this afternoon. While we were installing the irrigation system this Winter we also took the chance to make some course alterations.
The first thing that we did was course yardage. This has been one of our most common complaints in the past. Well, we have added yardage tags to 350 sprinkler heads. I feel like we are so well marked that we might remove the blue red and black pavers in the fairways and posts at the path.
Hole Number 6 had the most noticeable changes. First off the left greenside bunker has been filled in. I still believe that it was one of the hardest situational shots on the course, unless you were smart enough to putt out of it. Next the front right greenside bunker is in the process of a face-lift. We have removed the steep face and are in the process of regarding the base. We will drain it, line it and add some new sand and were good to go. Then we opened up the exit area back to the path. It used to be about 5 yards wide between berms. Now you could drive the space shuttle through the exit area of the hole. I hope this allows for better traffic wear patterns.
On hole 8 we had the, while structurally sound, clunky bridge that I built removed. In its place is a concrete cart path bridge that wont knock out your teeth when you drive over it. We also removed the old grass bunker left of the fairway.
On hole 10 we extended the rock walls surrounding the fairways. Also, we filled in the 3 grass bunkers on the left side of the fairways. Lastly we added a more friendly Ladies tee that is waiting for sod.
On Hole 12 we got rid of the dip in the cart path that went through the creek bed. We replaced it with a new cart path bridge.
On hole #14 we removed the left side fairway bunker.
On hole #17 we removed the old grass bunker on the right side of the fairway. It will finish its transition into a new Ladies tee.
On hole 18 you will notice that you are driving through the water in the spillway. That is because of the new stream that has been routed through the 18th hole.
Hopefully I have not forgot any of the new features but it is entirely possible that I have.
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