Our new natural areas are taking off great. I hope you have noticed the areas under construction over the past month in preparation for planting. They are on holes 3, 4, 15, 16 and 17. In total the area covered is about 5 acres. That will bring our total of naturalized areas up to about 13 acres. I know that some of you out there hate these areas I am doing my best to make sure that we are not interfering with "in-play" areas. Yes, we did put a large area in front of #3 Blue tee box, but I'm hoping that If your hitting off the Blue tees that you have no problem hitting over a native grass area. The same can be said for #17 Tee Area. The Blue tees are the only teeing locations that will have to hit over a natural area. You will notice that the White tees on #17 have a clear path of Bermuda to hit over in front of the tee box. Please keep in mind that these areas are not to be driven through. I have already seen some tire tracks through the new area on #17 Tee. Just a reminder when we put ropes up somewhere it means that we don’t want you driving in that area. All of the pictures are from one week ago. They are since 100% germinated. We have to keep getting them water throughout the early stages of the grow in period.
Above is a view from #3 Blue Tees. The whole areas from the tee to the spillway has been converted to Tall Fescue. We have had a lot of problems with sinkholes in this area, and a natural area is a good solution to keep people out of the area and keeping ankles from getting broken. To the right is a Picture looking back at the Tees from the Fairway. These pictures were taken at 2 weeks after planting.
This is a Picture of #4 on the fairway side of the cart path. We have had Natural Areas on the right and left of #4 Tee for 2 years now. After looking at that hole for a while I determined that the Fescue needed to be extended down the fairway side of the cart path to help draw your eye back to the hole. There is not a lot of area covered here but, I think It will help you if you are a new golfer to the course setting up on this blind hole.
This Picture to the right is another view of the area on the inside of the cart path on #4. You may have noticed how wet it has been around the area lately. After Seeding and fertilizing I applied 40 minutes of water per day to this area. I don't want to risk the soil drying out during the grow in process. I just turned the timers down to 10 minutes per day yesterday to help remove the standing water conditions on the cart path.
Above is a view of the back of #15 Tee. We have had the Fescue to the right side of #15 for 2 years also. I am hoping with this area on the left side of the Tee that we can create a buffer area from Highway 231.
On the Left is another view of the area at #15 Tee. This picture gives you a better idea of how far it extends.
Above is a picture of our brush pile behind #15 Green. When we tilled this area up I was so surprised to find some of the best soil that I have ever seen in the state of TN. This area floods easily. The years of flooding have lead to a beautiful silty riverbed soil that is a perfect growing medium for the Tall Fescue.
To the right is a picture of #16 Tee box that is an extension of the natural area above that will completely enclose #16 Tee.
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