Thursday, September 30, 2010


Anyone who has played at the course in the last week knows that we have aerified the greens last Monday. They have been healing in great. Unfortunately on the day that we had planned to start the temperatures reached a scorching 96 degrees and caused a slight degree of damage to 4 greens. It is not severe damage, as I look through the damaged canopy area I could see green leaves trying to emerge within 3 days of aerifying.
I am trying some different methods this time, and so far I have been pleased with the results. I have increased the fertilizer levels by 25%. I have changed the type of initial fertilizer that I use also; the jury is still out on that one. I have also decided not to increase the height of cut drastically this year during the grow-in process. I am hoping that a tighter mowing practice through this time will encourage more lateral movement by the plant. I am happy with this process so far.
I know that nobody likes playing on greens that have holes and sand all over them. Keep this in mind, Tom Watson shot his personal best record low round on aerified greens. So, remember to hit it firm and at the back of the cup. We should be healed within the next 2 weeks.
Thanks for bearing with us.

Native Areas

It is finally Fall! Temperatures are falling, as the leaves start to also. This has been the hottest summer season that I can remember going through in the last ten years of working on golf courses in the middle Tennessee area. Thankfully, that is all over for now. Now is also the time to plant any cool season grasses that you might have been contemplating in your yard if you have bluegrass or fescue. I am taking advantage of this time of year to plant some natural areas in some wasted space on the golf course.
I am sure that most of you have noticed the dead tilled areas on the course where we have been working, sometimes creating a dust bowl. All of these areas have been seeded or will be seeded with a 3-way blend of tall fescue. After seeding we will do everything that we can to get as much water on the seed as possible, with a little help from Mother Nature hopefully. So if there is water running close to these areas please don’t call it in to the golf shop. After we see some seedlings emerging from the soil we will apply a starter fertilizer to really get the plant some food after it uses up its own reserves. We will continue watering throughout the whole grow in process.
When this project is complete we should have some areas that create a certain amount of separation between holes, provide barriers for homeowners, provide a natural habitat for animals, redirect cart traffic in the correct direction, and reduce some maintenance time so that we can work in other areas of the course. I have been approached by a few homeowners that have referred to these areas as weed areas. This is not correct. A weed is defined as any plant that is growing in an area that it is not desired. They are Native areas that serve many purposes. When they are all complete they should be about 3-4 foot tall large expanses of seed heads. It may take one growing season to get the plant to maturity. So, please bear with me on these areas I think that in time they will benefit the course greatly.
And, please, please, please don’t drive in these areas.